Attention: Fishing Frenzy has begun!
4 months ago
The Dogged
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Dev Update - September

Greetings Lorfolk, and welcome back to another Dev Update!

We’ve continued to chip away at the next expansion to Lorwolf, Chapter 2: Dark Horizons. This next installment of the campaign will touch upon the theme of cooperation - where Lorians must come together to try and confront the various threats plaguing the lands. In the spirit of this cooperation, we are excited to reveal our progress with the upcoming Guild feature!


Found flourishing across Loria, these user-run communities allow Lorfolk to collaborate to earn even greater rewards. Becoming a guild member unlocks several new features that will enhance your gameplay experience, such as guild storage and shops, boss fights, territory wars, stamina restoration, XP buffs, and more! (Please note that the screenshots and information shown below are a work in progress and subject to change as things are tested, feedback is received, and balancing is checked.)

Creating a Guild

Players can create a guild in exchange for a certain number of pebbles, or join an existing guild that is accepting applications. Everything Guild related can be found under the Community tab. Click on Guilds to start forming your alliances.

Once on the guild page, you can select to create a Guild by clicking the Create New Guild button. Decide on your Guild Name and pay the requested amount of pebbles to create your Guild.

After your Guild has been created, you can find it on the Guild page or on the Community drop-down box.

Guild Customization

Once a Guild has been created, it can be customized. Create a Guild description and application questionnaire, open or close applications, set member ranks, and adjust member permissions, such as which ranks can withdraw from guild storage or not. Customize your Guild description and applications to show off what your Guild is all about!

Joining a Guild

Navigating to the new Guild page will pull up a list of all active guilds in the game. This list includes details like the number of members, the Guild Master, guild level, and whether or not they are accepting applications. Clicking on the name will bring up that Guild’s home page and display whatever application process it may have.

Guild Activities

Once you have joined or created a Guild, you can begin participating in Guild Activities and earn Guild Vouchers!

Explore Wars - Fight against other guilds to control a portion of territory and earn rewards. Ongoing Wars are shown with spinning arrows. Only one guild at a time can control a zone till the next War on that territory. More zones will unlock with the Dark Horizons expansion.

Guild Bosses - Team up with your guildmates and battle against mighty bosses once per day. Defeating a boss grants various rewards and unlocks the next, more powerful boss. Climb up the ranks of bosses to gain greater rewards for your guild!

Guild Shop - A brand new shop that sells voucher exchanges, food, currencies, and other valuable items purchasable with guild vouchers. Upgrade the Guild Shop via Talents.

Guild Chat - Converse with others in your guild in a private live chat!

Guild Benefits

Not only are there numerous Guild Activities, but Guild members will also receive unique benefits as your Guild levels up and grows.

Talents - Enhance your gameplay experience by unlocking talents in the Guild, Den, and Profession talent trees. These talents provide special buffs to members’ regular daily gameplay - just for being a part of the Guild. These talents affect all members within the Guild, new and old. As your guild grows, you can unlock further features such as more guild member spaces, more guild storage slots, and new guild bosses. Talent Points are earned after every level increase.

Guild Storage - Allow members to store and withdraw items and pebbles for Guild use.

Sapphire Springs - Unlock this special moonwater source that can be used once per day to restore all of your wolves' stamina to full.

Can I go solo?

Yes, we plan on Guilds being an optional feature that provides specific enhancements not essential to standard gameplay or progression. For example, one talent in the guild system grants increased water and compost regeneration speed, allowing for slightly faster farming. Another talent enables Koda to catch 1-2 extra fish. This way, guild players can enjoy special rewards while not having a huge advantage over solo players. Additionally, guilds need only have 1 member, so solo players can create a guild just for themselves to receive these same benefits.

What's next?

Our team will continue development behind the scenes on Chapter 2: Dark Horizons and keep updating our community with more information on the new features it will introduce.

In other news, Autumn has arrived in Loria, and our artists are working hard to prepare for the first-ever Darkspine event, which will begin on October 1st.

Thank you all for your support so far. We are looking forward to what is to come for our community. We are open to any and all feedback about Guilds. Your input is essential for making this new feature as fair and enjoyable as possible!


4 months ago
The Independent
53 Achievements
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wow the Guilds feature looks awesome! :D

4 months ago
The Nimble
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Oooh, spiffy!
-Very ADHD with scattered thoughts
4 months ago
The Slayer
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4 months ago
The Pickiest
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4 months ago
Looks awesome! Can't wait. Thanks for updating us :D
4 months ago
Lunar Howlers
The Nimble
talk to me im lonely
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4 months ago
The Lurking
320 Achievements
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Ohhhh this sounds like such a fun interesting system! I am really interested to see how this all goes, thank you for the update! c:

Adopt one today!

'Dreams like the memories once borne on the wind'

4 months ago
The Boneweaver
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This looks FANTASTIC so far!! I can't wait to try it all out, especially the bosses and the new shop! Let's gooo! :D

4 months ago
The Helpful
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I had no idea this was something I wanted until I read this post. This seems AMAZING, cannot wait for it! :D
4 months ago
The Merciless
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This looks awesome!!!

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