Okay! I meant to post yesterday, but life, ya know? Anyways, Christmas and Eve had their litter, and I ocne again had the picker choose between two puppies-
-and it once again chose my favorite, puppy #1! They're perfectly Christmasy, and I was gutted to think that I might not but to use them for this project, but the picker really came through for me!
Moving on to finding my new heir's mate, I only had one page of puppies to choose from this time (the market's been kinda slim lately, it seems). Out of all the puppies on the page, the picker chose puppy #3 for 1.000p! Yet another cutie! This one's giving fall vibes.
Now, Cider was super cute just on her own, however I noticed that she had a plain gene hiding her fig accent color. That won't do! For maximum randomness, I decided to take another spin on the number picker wheel to choose between all of the pebble accent genes in the Mole Market. There are currently six pebble accent genes: Brush, Cozen, Plain, Timber, Maned, and Fawn. Assigning them numbers one through six, the number picker landed on #6, Fawn for 100.000p. So while Cider had the chance to retain a plain accent, RNG has decided to give her the most expensive pebble gene instead, pfft. She now has little purple antlers!
I'll be updating my rules to include this little bonus step for what happens when a puppy is born or bought with plain genes!