Attention: Hunting Holiday has begun!
1 month ago
The Mimic
492 Achievements
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Hunting Rank 5
Mining Rank 5
Profession Profit & XP Guides


Hey, Lorfolk!

I've been super busy these last few months building some personal guides and compiling data. I've been really focused on pursuing the completion of my achievements, and a big part of that for me now is leveling up my professions. To better do so, I began taking note of experience yields from the different profession activities to help me plan out and expediate my leveling, and thus my achievement progress. I figured others could make use of these guides, so I wanted to share them with you all!

These guides are all up to date as of posting, and I will work to keep them updated as more things are added to the game. In the meantime, if you notice anything missing, incorrect, or otherwise have any suggestions for me then please don't hesitate to comment below! You can also request pings for when major updates are rolled out (like new professions) or can otherwise subscribe to this thread to follow any additions or edits made to the guides.





This spreadsheet guide contains all cooking recipes organized by complexity (simple or complex) and color tier (gray, green, blue, and purple). Data columns include recipe names, stamina vs gain, value vs profit, and XP yield. The "STAMINA vs GAIN" column compares the stamina points awarded by consuming the resulting recipe item as opposed to eating the individual ingredients. The "VALUE vs PROFIT" column compares the sell value of the resulting recipe item as opposed to selling the individual ingredients. The "XP YIELD" column lists profession experience gained by completing and collecting the recipe item.

The end of the spreadsheet has some additional stats showcasing the recipes from each section that have the highest stamina gain, the highest profit, reward the most experience. Also listed under the stats are items that have the highest stamina gain per experience point and the highest profit per experience point to help you further prioritize your cooking. Below that are food items that are currently unused in any recipes.


This spreadsheet guide contains all crafting recipes organized by color tier (gray, green, blue, purple, and orange). Data columns include recipe names, time to craft, value vs profit, and XP yield. The "VALUE vs PROFIT" column compares the sell value of the resulting recipe item as opposed to selling the individual materials. The "XP YIELD" column lists profession experience gained by completing and collecting the recipe item.

The end of the spreadsheet has some additional stats showcasing the recipes from each section that have the highest profit, reward the most experience, and have the highest profit per XP point to help you further prioritize your crafting.


This guide document contains some notes regarding farming efficiency and seed stats, and a data table. Data columns include seed types and alternates/recolors, grow time, number seeds required per plot, the amount of compost and water required to plant a seed type, and XP yield from harvesting.


All fish and items manually caught by the player reward 2 profession experience, while all fish caught by Koda reward 1 profession experience. The higher-level fishing locations yield more fish if you're fast enough, and thus more experience. I recommend only fishing up to the Frozen Fjord on mobile devices due to accidental scrolling and zooming from fast tapping incurred in the Open Ocean. That's it. That's the guide.


This guide document is navigable by quick links on the left side of the page and contains preface notes explaining how to read and understand the guide, and the three hunting quests tables organized by type (beast, treasure, and monster). Each table's data columns include the quest name, level and number of creature slots, synergies, recommended party combos, and XP yield (both hunting profession experience and regular wolf and companion experience). All success rates are calculating factoring in max level wolves and companions, and the maximum number of synergy tokens that can be fulfilled are included under any quest where a 100% success rate is not currently possible to show you what to aim for.

On the right side of the document is a collapsable menu of notes that correspond to the different success rates of the quests. These notes contain the party combos I personally run just in case you need additional help or ideas for what wolves and companions to run.


This guide document contains a note on how to work around the current furnace bugs (you can read more about the workaround in my forum thread at the bottom of this post) and two tables. The first table lists the five different mining locations, the depth of each mine, and the ores obtainable at each location. The second table lists each of the metal bars and gems that you can smelt as well as their sell values and the profession experience awarded for collecting them from smelting.


This guide document is navigable by quick links on the left side of the page and contains preface notes explaining how to read and understand the guide, the different data tables, and some facts and stats at the bottom of the guide. The first table contains the different synergies and the buffs they provide. The second table lists the different wolf breeds and their synergies. The third, fourth, and fifth tables list companions and their synergies organized by how many of the same synergy type they contain in their combo (3-alike synergies, 2-alike synergies, and 0-alike synergies).

The sixth table contains all of the consumed companions. Due to this synergy guide being created as a companion to the hunting guide, I originally hadn't intended to include them. As a result, I have the consumed set apart due to their lack of utility in hunting, i.e. their potential inefficiency when attempting to fill up the most synergy tokens possible. You can, of course, use them while hunting, especially in the quests that require fewer synergy tokens and have more creature slots.

After the tables is a fact and stat section with some fun info for my fellow nerds, and a seventh and final table containing all of the unused synergy combos.



spoot, lalierre, and lunchbox collaborated on a fantastic guide that lists the total experience required to reach each individual profession level. It's something that really comes in handy when you're planning your grind or just want to know what you can expect later on.


Lady Rainicorn created a wonderful guide listing most of the recipes and their required ingredients. The guide is a bit outdated, so I added all the missing or otherwise changed recipes in a comment on page 21. It's still incredibly useful for anyone who needs to figure out how to make any recipes they may still be missing.


Baubor created a similar hunting guide listing different quests by level and the recommended parties for each. It additionally contains much of the same information as mine but also includes any required items/materials to set out on certain quests. I wanted to include it because it's where I got the list hunting quests (both from the thread and its replies) when I was setting up my tables. Others may find it easier to read and understand, though for me personally I need the color coding, synergy images, and my party notes my own guide offers. It's also a little out of date, but the replies have newer quests and party suggestions.

I do want to quickly clarify that I sat down to experiment with and figure out party combinations independently, just to reassure everyone that I didn't simply copy and paste info from one guide into another.


I created this post in the Bug Reports section explaining how to avoid wasting additional metal ore when smelting. It's a little long because I wanted to be thorough, but you can read the bold underlined text throughout for a sort of TL;DR synopsis.


Alaunis wrote out the different synergies and their buffs. I'm linking it here just in case this layout is easier for people to read, and also because it's more concise than my synergy guide if you're just looking for what the different synergies do at a glance.

1 month ago
The Mimic
492 Achievements
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Gauntlet Rank 5
Cooking Rank 5
Crafting Rank 5
Farming Rank 5
Fishing Rank 5
Hunting Rank 5
Mining Rank 5


1) Add pebble yield from hunting expeditions to the Hunting Guide?
2) -
3) -

1 month ago
The Mimic
492 Achievements
Forum Rank 3
Forum Threads: 20
Forum Comments: 581
General Rank 5
Starter Rank 1
Arena Rank 5
Campaign Rank 5
Gauntlet Rank 5
Cooking Rank 5
Crafting Rank 5
Farming Rank 5
Fishing Rank 5
Hunting Rank 5
Mining Rank 5


Reply to this comment or simply comment on the thread stating that you want to be pinged for major updates such as the release of new professions or bulk releases of recipes and hunting quests. All other updates to the guides will simply be noted in new comments by me, so subscribe to this thread if you want to be notified of any minor updates, no pings necessary!
1 month ago
The Beastly
288 Achievements
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Campaign Rank 4
Gauntlet Rank 1
Cooking Rank 3
Crafting Rank 3
Farming Rank 3
Fishing Rank 2
Hunting Rank 2
Mining Rank 2

Hi, I would love to be added to the ping list for major updates. Thank you for the guides! They're really helpfull!

1 month ago
The Mimic
492 Achievements
Forum Rank 3
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Forum Comments: 581
General Rank 5
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Arena Rank 5
Campaign Rank 5
Gauntlet Rank 5
Cooking Rank 5
Crafting Rank 5
Farming Rank 5
Fishing Rank 5
Hunting Rank 5
Mining Rank 5
@Furuko - You bet! I've got you added. Thanks so much for your interest in my guides! I had a lot of fun working on them. ^^
27 days ago
The Lurking
shy but tries
266 Achievements
General Rank 3
Starter Rank 1
Arena Rank 2
Campaign Rank 5
Cooking Rank 3
Crafting Rank 3
Farming Rank 4
Fishing Rank 1
Hunting Rank 2
Mining Rank 1
Please add me to your ping list for major updates. These are absolutely wonderful and I appreciate you!
27 days ago
The Mimic
492 Achievements
Forum Rank 3
Forum Threads: 20
Forum Comments: 581
General Rank 5
Starter Rank 1
Arena Rank 5
Campaign Rank 5
Gauntlet Rank 5
Cooking Rank 5
Crafting Rank 5
Farming Rank 5
Fishing Rank 5
Hunting Rank 5
Mining Rank 5
@Sif - Will do! Thanks so much for checking them out!
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