11 months ago
The Tenacious
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Wild Wolves & Layered RNG

Since the “pity token” isn't implemented yet & there's still time to defeat the evil, I'm going to bring back the lauded game design “theory” from beta; layered rng is still not any more fun than it was months ago. Why are we adding an arbitrarily punishing rng mechanic to the G1 acquisition when numerically, the same results can be had with just making encounters much rarer but guaranteed and not make players feel resentful of the system in the first place? It has been the consistently most criticized feature of other pet games that follow the same ideology, and the best part of those that don't.

11 months ago
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I remember voicing my displeasure about this in the past and everyone got after me because of this ‘pity token’ system the devs talked about.

Well uh, here we are, and that's still not a thing. Depressing RNG is though!


If you have less than 5 level 10 wolves on your account, I will give you a level 10 wolf for FREE! Just PM me or check this thread: https://www.lorwolf.com/Forum/View?id=10869

11 months ago
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100% feel the same way. posted about it during the first beta and had massive support so not sure why we still have the old system. having to fail over and over and over again does not make the win satisfying. finding the wild wolf should not bring sorrow. make the encounters rare with guarantee befriend and not this demoralising system we have now please…

11 months ago
The Loving
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During early access I only ran into maybe three or four wild wolves, and only one since launch, and all of them failed. I never had one come home.

It's very difficult to start out because you only get a few XP points even if you take down something 5 levels higher than you. Cattle Crossing is giving me trouble because I can only watch as my underleveled wolf duo don't work together to take one down at a time. Adding their companions to the party helped for one battle but they're back to losing. :(

I'm sure it will get better as wolves get more plentiful and we can start buying them from other players for pebbles, but right now it definitely hurts. At least make it so the very first wild wolf encounter you have is a success so your pack can get boosted a bit.

11 months ago
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I agree. I had stopped playing the beta religiously because I never once got a wild wolf. I am currently sitting at 12 encounters and just one wolf gained and this is after grinding for hours. It's hard enough to get the encounters, and for people who are working, we can't constantly be on the site refreshing and feeding the wolves to grind. I'm very disappointed with there being no tokens considering it seemed like a good idea for those who always suffer from bad RNG. I also agree with Ninetales's suggestion about the first wolf encounter being a success. This should be implemented because it's so hard to do anything with just two wolves. I understand wild wolves need to be rare to not implode the site with new wolves BUT if someone keeps failing every time they get the elusive wolves, then they are less likely to want to keep going because, if there is no ‘token’ to help guarantee them one later, they may just give up.

11 months ago

I totally agree! Even when the economy settles players are still going to be looking for gen 1 wolves, as on all pet sites it is always a thing to look for gen 1 animals/pets. Let's be honest, rng is never really fun, and is usually only implemented to make the game ‘harder’ for players. Since WW encounters are already hard enough to come by, why not make them guaranteed? Or at the very least allow players to increase their odds of getting a wolf through meaningful gameplay and not luck.

11 months ago
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I personally enjoy the raspberry encounters and think that could be beneficial for the WW encounters! “Left then right” is guaranteed- maybe the starter text says something like “The wolf glares at you” and another version of the encounter, then you can bark and they'll join you, but not if you wag your tail, something like that!

11 months ago
he/him, ae/aer
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I would much rather get very rare wolf encounters with better chances of actually getting the wolf than these more common ones that seem to never succeed. It just feels bad.


Cooking/Free Crafting ~ Wolf Leveling

Tip: You can search a username in the Name field of the FM too!

Do not send me friend requests or random PMs.

11 months ago

I agree, I'm not even sure what to expect with the encounter once I do get a successful befriend, I've had 4 failed attempts now and I just started. Definitely not giving me good impressions.


🌸 :: Moom / Cody / Lambsie

Nonbinary Sapphic | He/She/They/Ey

11 months ago
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I definitely agree. It's incredibly disheartening to finally find a wolf encounter after long stretches of the campaign without one, only to be let down by the RNG. There are a lot of options to fix this, and I think it definitely should be fixed, like everyone else. They could make the chances either a lot higher or definite, while decreasing the chance of getting an encounter all together. While it may make it still take a while, it's unlikely you're going to loose the wolf altogether. Or, the devs could add the pity token that they've talked about. I feel either option would be an improvement. I spent five hours trying to get a wild wolf the other day, and by the time I got it, I was honestly more glad the search was over than I was I found the wolf. At the very least the odds need to be raised from 1 out of 10.

11 months ago
The Curious
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Also agreed here, the feeling of discouragement and disappointment is not helpful for the player or the site. ^^;


Flight Rising | Poison Pups

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