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1 year ago
New to Lorwolf -- Hello!

Hi there! I'm new to Lorwolf! I've been waiting so long to play this! I learned about the site before the early access opened up and I have been eagerly waiting to play since then! I'm having tons of fun and enjoying the site so far! I love that there are so many different activities to do! I'm hoping to make some friends now that I feel like I have a somewhat decent understanding of how most features on the site work. I hope.

Here's some more random facts about myself if you're interested. ^^

I'm 29 and married, I have two cats named Puzzle and Flick. I spend a lot of time playing FlightRising and making lore for my dragons over there. You can expect I'll be doing the same here! Lore is so fun to write. I also write poetry and am working on trying to get my first poetry book published! I'm thinking that my pack of wolves are all going to be one aesthetic. Which is totally different than how I run things on FR lmao. But I want an aesthetically pleasing den here. I'm going to try and stick to the neons and wild colorful wolves that sorta invoke that like, 90's lisa frank and vaporwave / synthwave vibe. Sorta to reflect my name but also it's just an aesthetic I love and have nostalgia for.

Happy to be here! If you have any questions or want to add me feel free! Would love to chat and make new friends! :3c

1 year ago

Welcome to Lorwolf!! Your kitties have an adorable set of names, can I ask what colors they each are? Also heyyy I love Lisa frank and Synthwave! Nice tastes!

1 year ago

Thank you! And of course! Puzzle is a mostly white calico with black and orange patches. Her orange patches have tabby stripes in them and she has green eyes. She's loud and seems to share that one orange tabby brain cell. lmao Flick is white with black patches. Her eyes are also green. She's small and petite and whisper meows and squeaks. Do you have any pets?

1 year ago
The Apprentice
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Hi Plasma and welcome to LW!!

I look forward to seeing your lore! And so cool that you are in the process of trying to get your book published, I wish you all the luck!!

I hope you will enjoy your time here!! <3

1 year ago
aww, i love your kitty descriptions! i have two cats too. they're cuddle buddies. give your kitties pets from meeee
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