11 months ago
Improve User Onboarding Experience

I am a new player, who has been semi-following the game but did not participate in the beta. I am, essentially, coming into the game fresh, and I honestly find everything.. pretty confusing.

As it stands right now, you create your two wolves, and then.. nothing. You're given no other information. There are the tutorials scattered around the pages, but they don't cover everything. What are the symbols in battling? Is battling really just leaving your game unattended for a few minutes until one side wins? What on earth is the Farming Festival? Are the daily activities endless? I don't know. The only tidbits I have managed to learn were from others on the forums, or trial and error. It leaves me feeling confused and frustrated. I've been very much looking forward to this site entering full launch, but I feel like content is geared towards players with a past understanding of how the game operates.

I would like to see a proper tutorial/introduction to the game. Skippable or otherwise optional, for those who are familiar, but there for those who need it.


fable | 27 | she/they

11 months ago

I definitely agree! Most info is hidden away in the guides forum, which isn't ideal. I'm used to guide forums including guides made by players that go into the more complex side of mechanics. It doesn't make much sense for those guides to actually be the only source of basic game knowledge.

Beyond which, the tutorial buttons found on some pages don't always give the most comprehensible instructions. A lot of things would be better learned through a guided tutorial, and would be more engaging that way. Reading a wall of text can feel really daunting, especially when you have to do it over and over when all you really want to be doing is playing the game. For example, the arena tutorial was one I found very confusing and I spent my first arena match bumbling around and doing everything wrong. I could easily see someone going through that and then never playing Arena again due to frustration, which would be a shame bc the Arena is one of the best features imo. It would've been better for a short practice section and a guided tutorial to explain the Arena mechanics.

I had the same experience as Fable, it was confusing and disorienting to be dropped into the game with zero instruction on where to start. It's still confusing in many ways, because I can't tell if some features are just unfinished or if I just plain don't know how to access them.

11 months ago

Agreed! I only found out about the site a few days before launch, so I'm completely clueless about basically everything. I would love more information/a getting started guide.


πŸŒ™ Manders πŸŒ™

✨ She/Her, Adult ✨
πŸ‘Ύ [Chicken Smoothie] 🐈 [Trade/Sales Den] πŸ• [Dappervolk] πŸ‘» [Pixel Cats End] πŸ’•
11 months ago

Add onto the list of questions what the weird orange bar under a creature's health in battling in campaign is, and what, if anything, trinkets are for. I definitely agree, and is something that I'd been thinking about! Even just putting tutorial buttons on more pages would make things easier. I was looking around, and nothing tells me about the part of battling I'm confused about, not even the forum guides.

11 months ago


The orange bar seems to be β€œmana” of sorts, when it fills up the wolf/companion uses it's special ability. I'm still confused on the trinkets too, I asked about it in the questions forum and was told some of them are needed for hunting quests? but the rest are useless i guess? It's odd, I'm tempted to just sell them all but I have no idea which are valuable and should be kept. And there's farming festival shop exclusive ones, but I have no clue why I would want them, especially when farming tickets take so long to get already.

11 months ago

I completely agree! During Beta, I'm 99% sure there actually was a tutorial. However, many players (including myself) thought it was pretty bad/lackluster. However, in comparison to now, it was 100 times better lol. I didn't play through early access, as I wanted to start playing when the game was completely done and hence forgot pretty much all the game mechanics. I was expecting a tutorial to pop up, but it never did, and I was rather lost for a solid hour trying to remember/ figure out how the game works. At first, I thought it didn't re-appear because I had technically already done it, and maybe the game devs decided to not repeat it for players who had, but learning that it is now completely gone is strange. Part of me thinks they might have removed the tutorial due to the rather disappointing reception to it, however, the game needs some direction from the beginning. It is hard to capture new players, especially new players to this genre of pet sim, if you don't give them any direction on what to do/what they can do.

Additionally, there were a lot of good suggestions to improve said tutorial. Like allowing players to quickly birth wolves for their first litter. And ways to make the tutorial less confusing and more engaging. It's almost like they couldn't address some of those concerns and suggestions so just didn't add it back in?? This is odd, as the beginning of the game feels incomplete as you are planted strictly into playing.

11 months ago

Support!! I've been following the game a bit on tumblr before launch, so I had a vague idea of how it worked, but even so it was pretty confusing to start, and I was actually worried my game had glitched at first due to the lack of tutorial. x'] I got the hang of it pretty quick fortunately, but I still don't know some things - such as how on earth the farming festival actually works, since as far as I can tell it doesn't even have a tutorial - and I'm sure completely new players would be super confused if they didn't know about the site beforehand.

So yes, full support for some kind of actual tutorial. Maybe there could even be an on-site β€˜wiki’ with compiled articles for all the current tutorials + some new tutorials for under-explained things, which a player would automatically be given a link to after they've finished making their wolves? (Although a proper tutorial along with some kind of on-site wiki would be really amazing).

11 months ago

Speaking as someone who didn't follow this game's development history at all beyond coming across it when it was still closed earlier this year and bookmarking it for launch, I can definitely attest that it was ah… confusing to say the least, when I made my two wolves and then was dropped into the Den page with no further explanation nor any indication of what I should even try to do next. Even a simple textbox notification saying something like:

"Welcome to {your faction}! To get your wolves properly situated in their new homeland, consider checking out the Campaign to meet with your local ambassador. You can do this by going to Play β†’ Campaign

You can also work on expanding your pack by breeding your two wolves together, or even crossing your wolves out via studding services in the Flea Market."

I'm still finding myself feeling a bit lost on what exactly there is to do around here or what degree of depth is or isn't present in the site's systems I have come across, because I've had a busy week and just don't have time to read a bunch of player-made guides on the basics of a website I just joined. I admit I'm pretty surprised there wasn't even a single hint of a tutorial or guidance system, not even a bulleted list of things you β€œcan do” now that you've joined.

{ Lorwolf Time -7 }
Casual wolf enjoyer
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