11 months ago
Food that takes longer to cook should give more stamina

There's truly no reason to cook meat, it takes longer than fish and gives the same amount of stamina. The majority of cooked foods give 20 stam, it's rather boring and doesn't incentivize cooking the recipes with longer wait times. Even if meat just gave 25 instead of 20, it would be something to encourage cooking it.

11 months ago

Yeah I also don't understand the purpose of this. There's no benefit to it whatsoever. If the Stamina will be the same then the time to cook should be reduced, if they don't wish to raise the Stamina.

11 months ago
The Tryhard
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I brought this up during Early Access, and while cook times are reduced the higher level you are, Cooked Meat still takes too long for what you get in return. I agree that the stamina gained from eating Cooked Meat should be increased to 25, to compensate for the fact it takes longer to cook.

11 months ago
The Legion
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I supported this during beta. I supported this during EA. And I will support it again now. Honestly I am suprirsed this wasn't yet implemented, considering it is super logical from a game-play perspective and it seems like a relatively easy thing to implement. The level required to cook something, the amount of time it takes to cook should all reflect the stamina it gives. Sadly it is lost, but I made a huge suggestion on how to streamline the cooking system (and all other systems, for that matter) during EA.

Leveling up with cooking doesn't do much rn, other than lowering burn chances early on. Wouldn't it be great if levelling up would slightly reduce cooking time (of all recipes), would unlock an additional slot every so often, etc. This would spice it up. But what was mentioned in the first paragraph imo is the least that needs to happen to make cooking more clean and logical

11 months ago

Support, I've been cooking my meat just because I prefer having cooked than raw food but it really is a bit of a waste of time when fish is much quicker (and easier to obtain, for that matter) and gives the exact same amount of food. As others have said I'd like to see meat changed to being just 25 instead of 20, just that would give a lot more incentive to make it over just fish!

11 months ago
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It does seem that levelling up grants a small decrease of cook time. I'm currently level 15 in cooking and receive a 7.5% decrease in cooking time.

However, I still feel that the foods that take a longer time to cook should grant a small bonus to stamina. I honestly think 25 stamina for things like Cooked Meat and Scrumptious Bacon would incentivize cooking these items more. As it stands, I don't like cooking Scrumptious Bacon or Cooked Meat due to how long they take, when I can cook more fish in the same amount of time.

11 months ago

Agree with this as well and I think it’s basically making people favor fish over meats, which will render the item of less value to the players’ eyes.

11 months ago
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Meat takes forever to cook – it's wild that it restores as much stamina as fish that take ⅓ of the time or less? Makes it feel pretty much worthless. It'd be easy to just reduce the cooking time if they want to keep the stamina gain at 20.

11 months ago
The Loving
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I'm gonna be honest…I like that the hare meat takes a while. It makes me feel less bad that I am not maximizing my cooking pot as I'm at work, where I can easily be called away for hours at a time working on projects. I also don't like fishing, so it works out for me.

I'd never say no to having the meat give increased stamina, though! I'm guessing it's slower because it's easier to farm.

11 months ago

this!!! absolutely this!! not to mention that, from what i've seen, literally every basic recipe food item after cooking only ever restores 20 stamina, which…… makes no sense from a gameplay standpoint and, like said before, completely removes any incentive to cook anything other than fish, what with other meat taking much longer to cook and both eggs and bacon having super high burn chances at low cooking levels while giving……. no benefit???

not to mention the bettas which recover 10 stamina as a raw ingredient compared to other fish's 5, yet still become 20 stamina-recovering items when cooked (both costing time and the risk of burning). it's…… really weird. and even at cooking level 13 now i still burn eggs and bacon from time to time.

literally the only “benefit” that bacon and eggs seem to have over the easier fish is a default value double that of the latter, which……. is still not a lot (15p to 30p), so it's really not even worth it to cook them to sell. that, and cooked meat and the bugsteaks, which take much longer to cook, are still only worth 15p.

i don't get it…….. sobs

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