11 months ago
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Rollover instead of Timer System

This might be a me thing- but personally, I really, really dislike the timer system for breeding specifically- launch started at 1AM for me, so already I need to stay up that late just to birth my pups now.

but also for companions. I especially dislike how these companions all have different resting periods, it's really overwhelming to keep track of.

These have the potential to do the time creep thing- where it starts off okay, but each time I'm a little bit late, the time I have to come back gets later, and later, until I'm staying up way too late just to keep up.

I think rollovers will be better for this- when it comes to companions, can we just merge how many rewards we would have been able to collect in a single day from them, maybe some will need reward reworks, but I already need to keep up with professions- these are fine as timers. But I want my wolves and their companions to be something I only have to worry about once a day.

11 months ago
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Yes please!
Especially for breeding the timer system is just frustrating.
My first pups will already be 2 hours “late”, because launch was at 2am for me and I overslept when sending my wolf to the Nest, so I wasn't able to do that until 4am. This means I won’t be able to birth the pups until 4am, even if I could get up at/ stay awake until 2am this time again.

In this case it was only 2 hours, but the potential to “waste” 8+ hours, simply because someone (for example) bred their wolf in the morning before work, but the day they need to send them to the Nest they weren't able to do it until the afternoon, is kind of demotivating, at least for me.
If you just have the whole day to breed them/switch them/etc. without already having to pre-plan your schedule for the coming days, it would feel less stressful.

I personally don't have any thought on the companion timers, but that's because I don't play with my companions at all. (I just really dislike that they are stuck to the wolf until the timer is over and I can't easily switch them out, for example if I wanted to use a different one in the Campaign, Gauntlet or for hunting.
I'm really glad companions no longer need to be level 3 to be used elsewhere. If they still were, I might not use them at all.)

11 months ago

Support! Like you've said, timers are fine for things like professions etc, but definitely get a bit overwhelming and cause trouble for things like breeding and companions. For me at least, it would also be nice to have at least a few things that could be proper dailies, and not reoccurring throughout the day like everything except the pageant currently is, so playing with the companions could work for that nicely with this suggestion! :]

Maybe also for things like changing your wolf used for fishing, as that has a 24 hour cooldown already, could be at rollover instead as well?

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