Does anyone know the gender/pronouns of the different NPCs?
I keep calling Thumb a guy but I don't actually see anything that mentions a pronoun so I could be misgendering them without knowing.
I'll add stuff here later.
Is there a way to delete posts?
Hoarder of Common Hunting Trophies
@ZoranaDragon Thumbs uses he/him pronouns.
@Pterolykos I'm not sure if users can delete their own posts, but feel free to DM me if you have posts you wanted deleted.
Thank you! What about the other NPCs?
Hi! I'm looking to get more Companions for my growing pack, and I wanted to know if the best/only way to get them was to buy them from the Mole Market?
Hi, can you only make the two starter wolves?
The Campaign events quietly award Companions, I've gotten a few from them! Mole Market is definitely the easiest I'd say.
Only two starters, yep!
Thank you!
Are moonstone shards more likely to acquire at higher level locations or is the rate the same?
@TinySatan You can also get companions from the Arena Shop.
@ZoranaDragon Here are some of the other NPCs, along with links to more information, if you’re curious!
Koda the bear uses she/her.
Miss Mac the river otter uses she/her.
Captain Stella uses she/her, and Coco is her little sister.
I’m not sure about Big Beak and Tiny Tusk, or Kavi.