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11 months ago
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[Economy] Make WW Token Summons use Pebbles Too

Very controversial idea. But it would be a good Pebble dump idea to add a Pebble fee to using a WW Token to make a WW.

I don't know what interface ideas they have for the token use, if they're going to add a ‘Meeting Site’ page to use the tokens or if it'll just be out of our inventory. But adding even a fee of 20k Pebbles per summoning would be a great economy balancer as WW summoning will always be in fashion, much like Custom Apparel will always be desirable.

Sorry to anyone who dislikes this heavily, I'm just weeping at the 1.3m pebbles for 99 moonstones right now. lol



11 months ago

that would be really good idea since there really needs to be a pebble sink to balance things out some

11 months ago
The Feral
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Honestly, I support this. Looking at the health of the economy long term, having pebble sinks is a good idea. As you said, collecting wild wolves will always be in fashion. And we need more pebble sink options on site as well, with things constantly costing MS, pebbles are just accruing on accounts and the balance between pebbles/ms is wildly off balance.


Free Wolf Giveaway - Always open!

Art by the lovely Kazux

11 months ago
The Wanderer
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I agree with this! And i think 20kp is also a very good amount as its not too easy to obtain, but very possible for anyone to get to.


11 months ago
11 months ago
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Honestly, pretty banger idea so long as the staff think through the execution. WWs are in such a bizarre spot right now, because we have both wealthier/veteran gen1 lairs wanting them and new players who need them so they have enough paws to campaign/do professions. 20k pebbles is perfectly reasonable and an excellent luxury pebble sink for veteran players who go for WW en-masse, but it may be a steep price tag to someone who's still getting their foot in the door. If this pebble tax was implemented, I'd also like to see a newbie's first 2-3 wild wolves be hard coded to always succeed.

11 months ago

interesting idea! i support it as long as its not a horribly grindy price, 20k like you said sounds pretty good!

11 months ago
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Supporting this with the exception of a new player's first wolf or two should be free pebble cost.


If you have less than 5 level 10 wolves on your account, I will give you a level 10 wolf for FREE! Just PM me or check this thread: https://www.lorwolf.com/Forum/View?id=10869

11 months ago
The Star
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Yeah as long as new players can get a couple for free, because it's important to have several wolves for gameplay! Pebble sinks are necessary for sure - I really hope they change profession upgrades and lair tabs, and this would be good too

11 months ago
The Odd
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I don't support this actually. The WW tokens were made to ease WW's RNG.

We need pebble sinks for sure, but… not this.

Editing- It would feel really awful for someone to have to pay on top of losing all those encounters where a person could have potentially gotten a wolf for free. A little bit like kicking someone when they are down already.

-Very ADHD with scattered thoughts
Cotton Fabric Raffle
11 months ago
The Loving
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I don't support this. Pebble sinks are necessary, but I think there are other ways to go about them than this. Some other more practical executions might be:

  • Profession upgrades all have 1 that cost Pebbles.
  • Another non-starter breed available for Pebbles.
  • More apparel sets in the Mole Market (and expanded inventory…the 5 slots ain't it).
  • Removing or doubling/tripling the item quantity cap in Mole Market.
  • The ability to reroll your Mole Market stock.
  • More forum cosmetics (there's only one forum profile decor for Pebbles, and I'm not sure green is a popular color to match with).
  • A little controversial: the four-color Besprinkler costing Pebbles, and then single-color Besprinklers being available for Moonstones (or have Besprinkles exist for both currencies, with a huge markup on Pebbles) (it's just incredibly difficult to work with 4 colors that are always visible).
  • At least for now, pack changing costing Pebbles (since packs don't have any meaning besides one private forum board anyway).

Considering how rare the Wild Wolf encounters are, you're going to get 20k Pebbles in Vendor sales just grinding to get enough to even use the tokens in the first place. A price isn't necessary.

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