11 months ago
The Loving
25 Achievements
Forum Rank 1
Forum Threads: 11
Forum Comments: 204
Many UI/UX Suggestions

Many, many suggestions to improve the user experience of Lorwolf, from my point of view.

User Profile

MOBILE: The order of sections should be User Info → Bio → Wolves → Friends/Forum Posts. There's no reason to have Friends and Forum Posts first since when you go to someone's profile it's unlikely because of those two.

Friends List should maximize use of its space and use a grid instead of just one long line with pagination. There also just shouldn't be pagination in general, but instead a “view all friends” page. The pagination feels unnecessary.

The username truncating to Userna… after enough characters feels very alienating (it's your own profile! why is your name cut off!). There are a few options for this one:

  1. Remove the ID from that line since it's literally just the same information that is one linebreak above it, so mid-sized usernames don't get cut off.
  2. Or just get rid of the username/ID from that section because it's literally the same information that is one linebreak above it. Pronouns and account registration will suffice there.

Forum Activity has the same pagination issue as Friends List and should just have a whole “search by user” page if it's going to stick around. This will be especially useful for finding posts by developers and moderation since you could narrow down keywords by specific members. Note: I know forum search, especially by user, is pretty controversial, but on a site with pretty bad search to begin with, this would at least help narrow down search results.

The report button on your own Bio shouldn't be there.


MOBILE: The order of sections should be Actions → Den → Map? → Nana → Den Stats. Not sure about the order of the last three, but the map shouldn't be first.

Similarly on Desktop, the Actions section should be above everything else on the right side of the page.

You should be able to hover over icons (and tap on mobile) to see what they mean.

There should be an easy place to see all synergies available to you with your wolves and companions.


You should be able to reply to threads no matter what page you're on.

Forums pagination should also exist at the top and not just the bottom.

You should be able to hide the HTML hotbar (it gets in my way on mobile specifically…).

Links should be automatically linked and not plaintext.


The user information in the top-right corner should be adjusted. It's strange how 3 sections are currencies while the last is messages/notifications. Since the currencies truncate to Ks anyway, the currencies should be up top, and the bottom should be populated with a messages and notifications split.

Speaking of messages, tapping on messages shouldn't bring up a pop-up. Ideally it'd just bring you to your inbox.

Forum mentions should take you to the page and post you're being pinged in, and shouldn't take three clicks to get to the thread in the first place (assuming the current method isn't changed)

You should be able to hit Enter and have a search run automatically.

Flea Market should default to Lowest Pricing first and not by Unit Pricing (or give us a setting to choose the default).

You should be able to use arrow keys to quickly jump between wolf pages.

Buttons should actually be buttons instead of divs.

Tutorials should be their own pages or link directly to the Guide because the boxes are so small and the screenshots can be hard to read.

Demo should be renamed to something like Wolf Demo so it's more clear what it actually is.

Inventory would benefit greatly from a huge layout overhaul to section things out by section so you don't have an entire screen full of food to scroll through to use a Specialty item.

The Attention! messages at the top should be able to be removed.

Item quantity in trades/gifts should default to 1, because there's no reason you'd ever try and attach 0 of something.

Hunting's Items Required needs a touch-up as having an item in the four digits causes overlap:

Item selection in Hunting should be edits instead of continually attaching items.

MOBILE: The NPC art on professions should be cropped to headshots to reduce the amount of space they take up.

Crafting recipes would also benefit from sections and a quick search.

I think that's it…for now. I'm sure there's something I'm forgetting but this should suffice.

11 months ago
The Loving
25 Achievements
Forum Rank 1
Forum Threads: 11
Forum Comments: 204

Some more:

For Hunting, the wolf/companion selection screen should be moved or altered to not cover up the list of necessary synergies (an issue when the mission requires a large party).

Wherever wolf age is used on the site, the word “Baby” should be replaced with “Puppy” to streamline the terminology.

Whenever you hover over a companion, you should be able to view the tooltip that comes up. Right now on wolves you don't own, you can't identify the companion.

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