11 months ago
Reduce MS item/upgrade prices and/or increase shard drop rate

Everyone is already talking about the problems with the new update to WW encounters, so I figured I’d bring up the other major gameplay blockage: moonstones.

Moonstones are wildly rare for any player, and casual players especially just don’t have the time to grind out moonstone shards and save up for weeks or sometimes even months, depending on the item. I understand these things are meant to be expensive and slowly gotten, but “slowly” should not mean an unreasonable amount of time for someone who can’t grind.

Even those who do grind a lot still get shards rarely; I was grinding to my limit for the first few days, for five to six hours a day, and didn’t even make it to 20. I couldn’t even expand my cooking pot by a single space after days of near constant grinding. That is absolutely absurd.

Make moonstone shard drop rates better or reduce the prices of things severely. Huge chunks of the game are currently unplayable to free players or people who can’t buy that much currency.

Honestly, I was hoping this was gonna get at least acknowledged by now, but the fact that they actively went against what the player base was asking for by reducing WW chances and making the guaranteed WW token ridiculously hard to get makes me really worried that this will get addressed, ever. I’m out of the game until this is fixed.

11 months ago
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Agree. I have to make some pretty impossible choices about where my shards will be used when I DO have any. I bought the beginner's pack and was hoping the MS would last a little while, but they have not simply because of the expansions. The rate of return has not been very good on that. I play this for fun, as a homeschooling parent who likes to have something that is mine to do that I won't have to take money from our tight budget to spend money on to continue to have fun. Once in a while, a splurge, but not to the point where I cannot progress until I splurge or without a ridiculous amount of grinding for minimal return. I am already sporadically playing. This and the other update (less food with no nerf to the 100% hunting depletion of energy, etc) makes it hard for me to want to be here. I have been here since EA. I hope things get better.


Follow for Lore

11 months ago
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Support - moonstones are the only real desired currency, pebbles are useless. One way to make it easier for casual players to get more moonstones is to make pebbles more useful, so they can trade their pebbles for MS. The best fix for the economy is not to make pebbles rarer (as it seems was another part of the goal of this new update), but to make them more useful. more, useful pebble sinks, cheaper ms sinks (and have those more cosmetic like CATs or companions/etc. on the MM, not actual gameplay).


Ping me! @Fieryblood

11 months ago
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Support 100% I already feel like locking core game mechanics behind MS so early on is a bit unreasonable. I feel like early upgrades should cost pebbles- then as things progress them make them cost MS. Or if they are going to be locked behind MS make shards easier to aquire.


11 months ago

Yes please more MS shards—or fewer needed to make a moonstone

11 months ago
The Friendly
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Yes please. I only have 15 moonstones and I have been an active player. I can't afford anything, not even to upgrade my cooking pot. This has pretty much gotten rid of my dreams of ever making custom apparel for my wolves or even having a volmyr or zerda… I am already up to 150k pebbles right now and have spent a lot in addition to what I still have, so clearly I am spending enough time at this game I should be progressing but I am not.

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