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11 months ago
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I totally understand not wanting to add features like that, especially anything that would make it feel pay to win, Dappervolk had a huge difference between the free to play vs the pay to play. It made the already dwindling website worse. But I also wholey agree that the current subscription model is highly lacking.

This might not appeal to everyone, but here's some things I'd like that wouldn't affect other peoples experiences with the game and would entice me to purchase the sub:

More backgrounds instead of day and night forest that only I can see as a supporter, Sakura trees, jungles, oceans.

Extra inventory slots for wolves that isn't purchasable, basically every wolf will just have an extra slot already there.
Wouldn't affect other people's gameplay and people can purchase permanent ones. Plus no one would know if
yours was purchased or not.

Randomly give gifts: A present box that can be sent to one random player per month. (As long as they accept them on their account) Inside could be a random item, or even a random moonstone item. People would only be allowed to receive one monthly too. I love giving people stuff, even if I don't know who that person is. Just making someone's day is nice!

Things I would avoid would be: Anything that is ease of use or for comfort, anything that shows you are a supporter. (It would be a social divider) Anything that gives you major unfair advantages in games.

Things I would want are: Some personal customization that's only visible to me and not to other users, ways to use my support as a way to lift other players up and be more social.

11 months ago
The Fishy
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I'm torn as well.

I agree the subscription in its current state isn't super appealing. I backed the KS so I feel good about supporting the site already. I use ad-blocker so I don't need ads removed. The 90MS is good for dollar value, but should a regular discount on premium currency be the only thing appealing about a subscription? Personally I don't think so. I like to support games, which is why I back them, but I'm not a regular premium currency buyer as time goes on. I like to play and earn more than I like to buy.

I 100% agree with the sentiment that anything that could change gameplay (such as reduced cooldowns or item drop rewards like Knucklebones) should be a no-go.

The idea of a subscription currency and an associated shop is one I've seen in other games. I'm not fully against the idea of unique items being available that way, especially if they're sell-able (allowing non-subscribers to purchase them on the Flea Market). But I also feel like it's another shop, another currency, and kind of a drag to think about. At what point does this stuff get bloated? I don't know.

I've seen other games with this type of system offer discounts at the shops, usually a percentage. We need more Pebble sinks in this game, so I don't recommend it for that, and the situation with MS hasn't really evened out yet. Maybe once MS are more available to people in the economy given time, something like that could be considered. Probably not now.

Free monthly items is another thing I've seen in other games. I think it's important that these items are useful, but not anything that's considered a necessity. Already existing items that could be applicable to LW might be Besprinklers or Sex Swaps. Fun and useful, but not necessary by any means. Besprinklers have had some criticism with how expensive they are in regards to how difficult four color slots make it to get something good out of it. Putting a handful of free ones out in the world once a year via the subscription, knowing that some will be used right away and others will be sold for less than its MM price, might be a good thing. The pool of items should be at least 10 to prevent any one item from being given out too much, but more would make it more interesting.

I don't actually know the solution, but the question got me thinking. It would be cool to do the subscription with LW but I don't want it to just be a monthly premium currency purchase.

11 months ago
The Legion
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If the monthly subscription was the only way to support the site, I might understand where you were coming from. But as it stands, you can support the site by buying moonstones. Either instantly, or slowly over time (the subscription). As there are more than enough (honestly, too many) in-game incentives that require moonstones, I really do not see the need to make the subscription any more beneficial than it already is. It has the highest payout of moonstones per dollar spent, and you get rid of pesky ads. Flight Rising has less incentives to buy gems (as the majority of gem-requiring things are actually aesthetic and not like here beneficial to gameplay) and they don't have a subscription, and as far as we know they aren't wanting for money. Neither will Lorwolf if they keep the subscription as is.

If anything, add more smaller bundles of moonstones. Right now it jumps from 1$ to 10$ to 25$. Perhaps add a 5$ and a 15$ pack as well, to make it more accessible. But a very absolute no support for any changing to the subscription as it currently is. I remember this being a very big discussion prior to beta, and I know I and many others will find it an absolute dealbreaker and immediately quit the game if it is changed

11 months ago
The Curious
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HUGE support! I'd love for the subscription to have more flesh – I'm subscribed right now, but there's literally no reason for me to continue to subscribe (as I only wanted the sub for a bit of a start with MS to work with), so if there were more incentives, such as the reward shop and a daily knucklebone; I think i'd do my best to stay subbed!


These two work tirelessly to bring home bones as well as new friends. Sometimes they need a break-
If your wolves need a nice rest as well, why not give it to them?

11 months ago
The Loving
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If there were purely cosmetic things such as a Subscriber Forum Profile Decoration and Banner, that'd be fine. However, you're also looking at stuffing so much into a 5$ monthly cost that it starts getting a bit excessive.

I see your edit OP, and would like to respond to it, particularly this part: But the players who CAN pay are sort-of… What keeps the site developing, from my understanding? More income would equal to being able to produce Bigger and Better Updates. Steadier income with the Monthly Subscription allow the Devs to work comfortably

A monthly subscription isn't a bad idea, of course. It gives the developers a good idea of month-to-month income (500 users are subscribed and will be renewing on the 1st, we have 2500$ to work with this month, etc.). But this isn't the only income. Beginner Bundles, which imo is a nice idea but has one issue which I'll touch on, has also, I'm sure, brought in a quick income for the site since it's an incredible deal. Then there's the fact there's a TON of custom apparel already and with how slow Moonstones are to get, much $$$ has been put into the site to fund those. That being said, it's not just the monthly subscriptions keeping the site afloat (I also wouldn't be surprised if custom apparel brought in more money directly than subscriptions).

Whether the gap between F2P and non-F2P players exists is irrelevant. It's also a bit condescending to essentially brush it to the side because it is something you need to consider, especially with how mobile-esque Lorwolf feels right now. The Beginner Bundle ties into this — Lorwolf feels like a mobile game, and if it was a downloadable app with no social features, I would say it hit the mobile idle game genre right on the head. Not a bad thing, however Lorwolf is not trying to be that genre. It's trying to be a browser pet game. And the problem with a browser pet game hitting mobile vibes is because it feels very microtransaction-heavy, which is a problem that needs to be resolved.

The Sun, Moon, and Eclipse bundles on the Shopify would be beneficial to bring back, in my opinion. That's another way to support the site outside of pure moonstones. If it had a set of exclusive items (forum banner, profile decoration, and apparel item), that wouldn't be too bad, either.

11 months ago
The Tired
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No support for adding more the the subscription. The subscription is a way to remove ads while still supporting the site, and the great deal you get on moonstones is already a very nice bonus. Frankly, I hate sites that try to entice you into subscribing with an abundance of perks. The site should instead focus on being enjoyable enough that someone would want to throw a little money at the devs rather than use ad block.

The ONLY thing I would be cool with adding is converting the subscriber ribbon badge into a forum banner or decoration. This thing-

There are already players that want to hide it. So turning it instead into a forum banner that you get access to when subscribed and can choose to apply would be okay with me. This allows those players to subscribe quietly by simply not using the banner, while giving others who want more out of their subscription something a little flashier to show off if they want to.

11 months ago
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Since ad blockers are a thing, I think it needs SOMETHING more, maybe not much more but something to make it worth the 5 dollars monthly drip outta your pocket (thats a LOT for some folks!) just to make it more…exciting or flashy.

Maybe a special banner or something added to your profile while you are subbed to show you are a monthly supporter or maybe stay subbed a full month and get a little item trinket to add to your wolf like a necklace or something (only get one no matter how long or how many times you sub ect)


[Frankies Art Booth] - [Apparel shop] - [Coming soon]

11 months ago
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"The Sun, Moon, and Eclipse bundles on the Shopify" I wasn't aware these were previously a thing! This has me thinking about “Monthly Collectibles” if you had ever played Gaia Online? But that would have to be another suggestion.

I was not here for Beta, Alpha, or the KS. I am a fully new user who is only giving a suggestion based around my own short-lived experience. You mentioned my post came off condescending…? And it wasn't at all intended to be that way. So I'm sorry if that is how the tone reads.
My suggestion is made from my own understanding- And of course, it is only a suggestion. I'm not at all demanding for added benefits. Just only getting out my own thoughts and potential ideas.
Personally I think 5$ is a decent lump sum- And the 90 MS is still a good deal, so even if nothing was added, I would continue to support as long as I continue to have an interest in the game.

Again, I'm only making a suggestion. I'm sorry if it comes off the wrong way.

Edit : I'm going to make some adjustments to my edited reply so hopefully the tone is better. Thank you for pointing it out <3

11 months ago
The Loving
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No worries, it's just when you point out the gap between F2P and non-F2P will always exist like you did it feels apathetic, like since it will always exist it doesn't matter to consider because it won't change. Gaps like this will always exist in games with real-life currency options but that doesn't mean it should be neglected.

I did not play Gaia Online so I can't relate to that one, but you did make me remember an old site with an “upgrade” feature that gave out a free monthly item to people with an upgrade. Sometimes these were exclusive and sometimes they weren't. If Lorwolf does monthly sets in the future a free piece from the set for subscribers doesn't seem bad.

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