11 months ago
Cheaper apparel tokens for relisting


I really love the custom apparel system and community, and have been having a lot of fun drawing and buying!

However, I've noticed a few things regarding the price of the CAT that i think should be taken note of for future updates:

  • While I understand and am totally fine with 100ms to submit for approval, an additional 100ms to relist is a bit expensive, and often a big gamble because you have to front 100ms with the risk of noone buying your apparel again. A few artists have expressed this, as their second printing sits without buyers and money is buried for a long time. This puts a brake on artists who want to make a lot of apparel and content for the site because they don't have ms disposable to sit idle.
  • 100ms for each 5 means that each copy would always have to be at least 20ms, so we can't make smaller apparel to sell for cheaper ms, or even pebbles. This limits what kind of apparel people will draw.

One possible solution would be to make a second token that is a bit cheaper for relisting already approved apparel, that way people can pay the initial 100ms but sell their apparel cheaper, or even for pebbles, and eventually they can make back the money they spent for the CAT. That way we can have a wider variety of apparel and pricing, available for more people. This would also incentivize people so submit more, have more content for the site! This would also help artists who submit apparel to not have buried funds of hundreds and hundreds of moonstones in unsold apparel, which they can use to put into other aspects of the site economy!

This was written with the current economy in mind, which is still changing a lot, but it's initial feedback i think would be good to keep into account for future updates

Thank you quiche and the team for the work so far with communication and approvals.

11 months ago

support, i think cheaper options would be nice for relists. similarly i've seen a few recolors and i think it would be nice for those to be a cheaper option to put up too

11 months ago
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Support. It can be stressful to choose which piece of apparel to reprint as someone who isn't always able to keep more than 100 MS at a time, as there's always the chance I won't get my money back for a long time, and therefore have wasted 100 MS. Perhaps somewhere in the 50 MS range for a re-list token, or 50k pebbles alternately, which it would be nice to have another pebble sink.

11 months ago
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Support! I am doing a druid set I would love to relist with fall colors instead of green colors but for 100 MS, unless someone wanted to sponsor it I just don't see it being really worth me spending 10 bucks


[Frankies Art Booth] - [Apparel shop] - [Coming soon]

11 months ago

imo i think a better solution would be instead of an item, you'd just pay the fee directly on the custom apparel page. and maybe add a pebble option since we desperately need pebble sinks - so 50ms/50k pebbles for relisting for example

11 months ago

Support! This has happened to me once already, I'd definitely like to see the relist price at a discount as right now there feels like there's little incentive to relist anything


LW-7 ☆ 28 ☆ your local neighborhood trash pigeon ☆ I make pixel & digital art and CA sometimes.
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11 months ago
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I would love for this to be thing, it would make me feel a little better about listing CA for pebbles instead of moonstones too!

Then again artists would need stuff to actually use pebbles for to justify relisting :')

10 months ago

I would love a pebbles option, even if it wasn't discounted, because it would make it worth selling for pebbles, which would give more access to f2p players!


Please ping me when replying to me! Ty!

10 months ago

Support! I am currently sitting on unsold sunglasses apparel, which is leading me to stop selling them after I eventually sell out of it in the shop right now as I can not afford hurling a CAT in the void and very rarely getting profit, not even getting the ms equal to a CAT until much much later forcing me to halt my other CAs

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