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[Breed/Pattern Suggestions] The Creators Shrine
Hidden beneath the bracken and soil, a small shrine rests.
The surface of the dusty, scuffed stone hints at the wear and tear of many, many years.
Yet, despite being seemingly forgotten, the shrine's gemstone eyes glint with clarity.
A strange sense that someone is listening washes over the surroundings.

Creativity flows through us all, and we know that our Lorfolk love their suggestions. To avoid clutter in the suggestions forums, we've made this thread and we ask that you post here instead of making an entire new post. This ensures that all posts are together for an Artist to peruse at their leisure.

Creators Shrine Rules

  • Suggestions must fall in line with ToS and Forum Etiquette, this includes copyrighted and suggestive material.
  • Please post once per page, you can do up to 5 suggestions in one post.
  • We ask that you do not add image references
  • Items you can suggest for fall under patterns/breeds

Suggestions in the shrine are not guaranteed to be added to Lorwolf and will be selected randomly by the Artist Team nor in order. Once made the suggestion will be available on-site for all users.

Looking forward to seeing what everyone comes up with.

For Apparel, Recipes, Trinkets and other item suggestions, go to this thread here.


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Pattern Suggestions
(Non-Canine Patterns)
1. Blotched Tabby
2. Fawn
3. Duiker

(Canine Patterns)
4. Dalmation


Breed Suggestion
5. Wolf + Corgi Hybrid

1 year ago
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woohoo, I was excited for a thread like this!

I'd love to see some very minimalist markings, like a “mittens” style accent or unders, where it only covers the paws, and similar things in other slots.

(Mostly so that people can choose to hide these colour slots under CA without them needing to be removed altogether!

Also- raccoon/red panda inspired markings!

1 year ago
The Tired
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  • An Under that only covers the legs
  • A pattern for each slot that's a ‘color saver’ by being low opacity with soft gradients to help blend and semi-hide that one color that just doesn't mesh well. Cozen Top is close to what I'm hoping for


  • I'd really love a feline hybrid breed (that stripes pattern is begging for a something with a slightly tiger-shaped face). Maybe like a direwolf crossed with a sabertooth? Lion mane? I honestly don't have specifics in mind. Just something with some feline vibes I feel could be fun.
1 year ago
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- Under Pattern: Star on chest. Usually most pronounced with all black wolves with a star of white on their chest, I think it'd be a great addition when you get less uh… appealing underbelly tones!

- Under Pattern: Something that fade blends from the belly into the rest of the wolf. All of the current Belly Patterns are hard lines with the exception of Stripes. And Stripes belly without Stripes Accent is hard to pull off on most color combos. This would be more universal.

- Full Pattern Set: Galaxy/Cosmic/Stars. Maybe little glitters of light on the pelt. Swirls or straight up starry markings. Maybe would pair well with a fantasy breed. Pairs well with the Star on Chest underbelly pattern request above.

Breed Wishlist:

- Chimera: A strange wolf with a lion's mane and a living snake (Consider: hooded cobra?!) for a tail. Large, lion-like paws and claws.

- - - Unique pattern set tied to Chimera could be snake themed. Many vipers have stunning hood patterns that can be replicated on the shoulders/head/hips of the breed for stunning effect. Band-based patterns would also be fun.

I was gonna add more but I assume the pattern suggestion for Chimera falls under a pattern request! I will be back on Page 2!



1 year ago
The Curious
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Any pattern: anything shiny and/or sparkly


My puppery! Pure bred G2 bracchus

Quest for a Pretty WW Pair!

1 year ago
  1. A gene that makes a color ‘Recessive’. Will hide a color.
  2. a computer chip like marking.
  3. Swirls.
1 year ago
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Brindle - less defined stripe pattern than stripe with swirls of very thin lines
Harlequin - Similar to Merle but with more random pattern of dark splotches on a light background, includes the face

1 year ago
The Shiny
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I think it'd be good to have a ‘Blend’ pattern that works sort of like an overlay to help save wolves with poor color combos

right now, if you get a wolf with colors that don't look good together, there aren't any pattern options that can make them work and it'd be nice to have something that can help people design wolves they love

If anyone wants an idea of what that might look like I have an example on my progen

1 year ago
The Stinky
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I'd love an african wild dog breed, and an african wild dog coat pattern! the top and accent could layer but also look good on their own, like splotches(different from merle's) and their outline(if doesn't have accent, that would just be thicker splotches that'd connect to eachtoher) and the undercoat would definitely have to have their iconic forehead stripe! So the head are would probably be reminiscent of merle, but I could see there being more that makes it distinct from it!

I'd also love a dhole and a coyote breed!


1 year ago
The Tryhard
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Breed Ideas:

  • Hyena (my preference is spotted, but any type of hyena)
  • Jackals (Jocols look rather more like real-world coyotes to me, while irl jackals seem very visually different and somewhat more vulpine where Jocols appear more lupine)
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