11 months ago
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Pile of wolf pronoun suggestions

Something I remember as I was making my progens is, you don't get to set pronouns on the creation page, you have to go on their page after the fact [and there isn't a visual indication of it either, so you won't know if you don't click through the wordy tutorial]

As someone who was going in blind I had no way of knowing whether the game would have a pronoun system or not I didn't get to make some additional choices about my progens under the assumption that it wasn't a part of the game if it makes sense?

Additionally, I know being under the impression that a game only has rigid gender options would turn some players off, so displaying it right away might help with player retention during onboarding.

+ it'd be nice to have the ‘no pronoun’ option be a visible option because that is a thing some people do pronouns wise! it would normalize the function's use overall among the playerbase too since that would make you think about it! [and also make it more obvious it exists]

It would also be good to have wild wolves generate with pronouns! It's not like changing bio information costs anything if the player has other ideas anyway, and it adds a little extra substance for people that like a jumping off point for lore and, especially if this were implemented, it'd be nice to expand the pool of default pronouns. Just for variety's sake that'd be fun.

11 months ago

Support for adding “No Pronouns” as its own, visible-on-profile option; for clarity, maybe the existing selection can be renamed “None displayed” or “No pronouns shown” to clarify its function. I would also support the addition of it/its as a default pronoun, since I've met a few people who go by those as their primary or acceptable pronouns.

Neutral on wild wolves coming with pronouns pre-selected, if only because I enjoy that I have two trans wolves who happened entirely because I intended to pick cis pronouns but forgot they had male or female poses and thus made the “opposite” pick :) I wouldn't mind them coming with pronouns already, but it would slightly discourage me from changing them and making them my own.

{ Lorwolf Time -7 }
Casual wolf enjoyer
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