Attention: Farming Festival has begun!
1 year ago
The Foodie
123 Achievements
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Rowan's Writing Shop

Status - Open

Hello! I love to write and I would like to offer my services to you. I will write bios, lore, snippets for OC's, and more.

This shop will open and close throughout the year. I have a shop for writing on a few different sites, you can find the wait list document here.


- Payments are made BEFORE I begin writing. I only take currencies (pebbles, MS, or USD.)
- I take requests in the order they come in. I don't have a word limit, but I don't write a novel. The longer the work, the longer it may take. I may work on shorter pieces while still writing your longer piece as well. just a heads up.
-I have a minimum of 1,400 words.
- No spamming.
-I don't take bribes to be put ahead of others.
- I have the right to decline any request and I will let you know if I am accepting or declining your request before you send your payment.
- It could take anywhere from a few days to a few months to complete a request depending on the length requested. I will keep you updated weekly from the moment I start your piece. If it is going to take longer than 2 months from the start date to complete your request I will let you know, this should only happen for long requests. No request should take longer than 3 months to complete, if I reach that time expect to receive a partial refund of payment.
-I will send you a message stating that I have started your writing so you know when to expect updates.
- If I do not receive a payment within 2 days, of my sending you the acceptance message I will take your request off my list and you will need to resubmit.


- I must be credited wherever you post the writing. Send me a link to where you post it after you, please.
- Republishing, selling, putting your own name, or plagiarizing my work is NOT allowed. It won't be tolerated.
- There will be no explicit content.
- Swearing is allowed, but only to an extent.
- If you want a refund while I am writing, depending on how far into the writing I am I will charge you a cancellation fee of anywhere from 5-20%.

Form -

Lore Type: (Pack, Bio, etc)
The number of characters/wolves:
Name/Links to the characters/wolves:
Brief description of the character (Coloring, markings, etc.): (Please separate each character description)
Brief description of each character/dragon's personality: (Please separate each personality)
A brief idea of what you envision for the lore (Vague idea I want to see expanded on) :
Lands, Environment, Era (Time Period), Territory, Etc.:
Word count wanted:
Payment Type:
Sale Code:
Total Cost:


  • 10 MS - 1,400 words
  • 20 MS - 2,800 words
  • 30 MS - 5,000 words
  • 40 MS - 6,000 Words
  • 50 MS - 7,500 Words
  • Each additional 10 MS adds 2,000 Words total. So 100 MS would be 17,500 words.

  • Current MS to Pebble ratio
    • This is taken from the Flea Market, expect it to fluctuate for a while.
      • 1 : 13,000

USD Commission Rules

I do not accept USD commissions less than $3.

USD rates

  • $3 - 4,200 words
  • $5 - 7,000 words
  • $10 - 14,000 words


Grand Opening Sale:

The first 3 of these requests are free up to 1,000 words so I can get examples.
You are only eligible for 1 writing for this sale (poem or other).
Sale Code: GOS-O


Form -


Payment Type:
Sale Code:
Total Cost:


  • 5 MS - per stanza

  • Current MS to Pebble ratio
    • This is taken from the Flea Market, expect it to fluctuate for a while.
      • 1 : 13,000

USD Commission Rules

I do not accept USD commissions less than $3.

USD rates

  • $3 - 6 stanzas (can be split for multiple poems)
  • $6 - 12 stanzas (can be split for multiple poems)


Grand Opening Sale:

The first 3 poem requests are free up to 3 stanzas so I can get examples.
You are only eligible for 1 writing for this sale (poem or other).
Sale Code: GOS-P

Waiting list

NameWriting TypeLengthPaid/Payment?Working on?Update sent?
teethbaredPoem3 stanzasfreenot yetnot yet
Cyberpoem3 stanzasfreenot yetnot yet


1 year ago
The Handcrafted
166 Achievements
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oh wow!! @Rowan Ill definitely come back when you're fully open, but I'll put in an order for a poem now! happy opening!

Name/Id: Mesmer #36749
Theme: She's a hypnotist, so something regarding that? some grey morality might be fun!
Payment Type: MS
Sale Code: GOS-P
Total Cost: -

1 year ago

Oooo this is neat, I like adding writing to the profiles of my wolves so I think this shop concept is really cool! I would love to get a 3-stanza poem for one of my starter wolves. Happy grand opening!

Name/Id: York #4638
Theme: He's mint themed (he was named after a peppermint patty brand, lol) and I imagine him to be sort of a warrior-like wolf with a cold but heroic personality. I'm curious to see what might come to your mind, so feel free write anything you'd like about him! I'm sure whatever you come up with will turn out pretty cool (hehe, see what I did there?)
Payment Type: P
Sale Code: GOS-P
Total Cost: -

1 year ago
The Foodie
123 Achievements
Forum Rank 1
Forum Threads: 18
Forum Comments: 125
General Rank 3
Starter Rank 1
Cooking Rank 2
Crafting Rank 1

@teethbared I will be getting started on this today. I will keep you both updated on my progress. Thank you for ordering!

@Cyber I will let you know when I start working on your poem. Thank you for ordering.

1 year ago
The Foodie
123 Achievements
Forum Rank 1
Forum Threads: 18
Forum Comments: 125
General Rank 3
Starter Rank 1
Cooking Rank 2
Crafting Rank 1

General update about the requests, I had IRL things that kept me from doing them, I will be woking on them this weekend and plan to have them sent out within the week.

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