10 months ago
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Profession for bones

Even though there were many mixed opinions (mine as well) about the polls, the first one is already here for deciding on the next feature.

Most people probably voted for a new profession in the poll so at least I'd like it to be something that could alleviate the current grinding in the game. Bones. Almost all crafting recipes require them, and mostly those you'll be crafting a lot. I saw archeology being one of the planned professions so I think it should come first. I'll leave how it'd work up to interpretation, but the idea is for us to be able to gain a descent amount of bones passively without having to grind in the campaign for hours, which is currently the only way of getting them efficiently without buying them.

I think I speak for a lot of people who don't have the time and/or money to spend on the game that it demands. This would help with lowering the amount of grinding and perhaps frustration players currently feel.

10 months ago
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Support. For some players bones really haven’t been an issue, because of intense campaign grinding, but I don’t think massive grinding should be necessary to partake in the crafting profession.

(I do hope if they do something like this they give us more uses for bones, though, even if in smaller amounts then bone paste, because I’ve heard someone had like, 8000 bones and that’s kinda insane)

10 months ago
The Legion
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IIRC they said a new poll would be held once it was decided which feature would come next to let us vote on some of the details of that new feature. So I don't necessarily support archeology being the next profession.

I do however support, that if/when archeology gets implemented it allows us to get bones more easily/passively.

10 months ago
The Scout
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Support, I am consistently using more bones then I can reasonably grind in my free time.


"Hi my name is Crow with a B and I’ve been afraid of insects my whole lif-" "Stop stop stop- where?" "What?" "Where’s the B? "TherE'S A BEE???"

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