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Change Zerda rarity from uncommon to rare

My suggestion is to change the rarity of the zerda breed change item (and consequently, the breed itself) from uncommon to rare.

Currently the gap between a common breed change item (100k pebbles) and an uncommon breed change item (150 moonstones = ~1,5 MILLION pebbles) is HUGE, while the gap between an uncommon breed change item and an epic (two ”rarity levels” higher) breed change item is only 50 ms (volmyr 200 ms). Meaning a future rare breed change item would probably be priced at ~175 ms.

These price steps feel quite uneven. My solution would be to change the rarity of the zerda breed change item to rare and keep the price at 150 ms. A future uncommon breed change item could be priced 100 ms, or even better, pebbles.

Also, ~$15 USD for an uncommon breed (only the 2nd of 5 rarity levels) is quite a lot, I think that pricing would be more suitable for a rare breed.

Thank you for reading!

10 months ago
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I tried talking about this before and people just, got confused and were all like 'well we don't know if they will price by rarity'

Not sure why they wouldn't? Considering everything else we've seen, it makes perfect sense.

Full support for this thread though. It's been a major concern of mine since Early Access.


If you have less than 5 level 10 wolves on your account, I will give you a level 10 wolf for FREE! Just PM me or check this thread: https://www.lorwolf.com/Forum/View?id=10869

10 months ago
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Having thought about this myself, I also agree with this suggestion. It's much less hassle to the devs than changing zerda scroll price and potentially having to reimburse players the difference via looking at purchases.

Pricing reflecting rarity only makes sense and have it increase in increments of 50 for scrolls that cost moonstones is a nice number.

Possibly keep all rare, epic etc wolf scrolls cost moonstones to avoid inadvertently creating an unchangeable site set ms to pebble ratio.

E.g. volmyr scrolls cost 200ms, the site then releases a new epic breed for say... 800k pebbles. This then drastically upsets the player set economy because it doesn't match the ms to pebble ratio at the time


Selling Ace flag wolves! Bargain price!

10 months ago
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Support, although I would like to add I'd very firmly like to suggest that an uncommon breed would be pebbles too. 200 or 250k or so!

5 months ago
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With a new breed incoming soon(?), I feel this suggestion might be relevant again.

I still believe zerdas should be rare rather than uncommon, to justify the price of the zerda breed change item. Direwolves could be of uncommon rarity, and I’d love to see the direwolf breed change item be sold for pebbles.

5 months ago
The Tenacious
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This would be a good change, and you even made it easy mode for 'em to implement by making it not necessary for them to change current pricing. Well done. Though I agree with Gaia also, the uncommon tiers should be pebble breeds.

27 days ago
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Now when the direwolf breed has been released at 300k pebbles, I wish they would simply switch the rarities between zerda and direwolf: make the zerda rare and the direwolf uncommon. It makes no sense to me that an uncommon breed change item is so much more expensive than a rare breed change. Why have item rarities if they don’t mean anything?
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