10 months ago
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Set Maximum Litter Size

I think setting the maximum litter size would be fantastic to help keep an influx of wolves from taking over. The standard would be a chance at the litter of 4, I think it is? If you set the size to say, 3, that means you're getting at most three puppies. Overall, I think this might be helpful so people might not be over burdened with puppies, if they don't want to be.

-Very ADHD with scattered thoughts
Cotton Fabric Raffle
10 months ago
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No support. I don't see a reason for it. Yes, there are many wolves, and those numbers will continue to grow. But that is inevitable with a game like this. Artificially limiting the amount of wolves one can get, is just going to end up being frustrating imo. And it is not as if there is no way of getting rid of any excess wolves you don't want to keep. (While I do think that currently the rewards or releasing are mediocre at best. But there are already several good suggestions about that floating around, so I won't go too in-depth about that here).

(Also, may be a misinterpretation on my end, but 4 pups is not the standard size for nests. Nests can range anywhere between 2 and 4 pups. In that sense, there is already a maximum. I simply don't agree with lowering that maximum)

10 months ago
The Odd
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4 pups being the maximum is standard. You can still get 2 or three pups from the limit, which is why it's standard. I was thinking this might be something a user can control on their end, more than the site adjusting anything major.

Some people love having large nests, and that's great, and I don't wanna take it away from them! I personally dislike having to try to sell more than three puppies at a time and the release pay outs are awful, so I'd love having only two pups for a nest each time.

-Very ADHD with scattered thoughts
Cotton Fabric Raffle
10 months ago
The Legion
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Oh you mean like an item that you can voluntarily apply to determine the nest size? Not a new sitewide limit... I could get behind that
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