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10 months ago
The Restless
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[Banking] No Vault Expansions

Saw a couple of people in the discord express distaste towards the description of the banking profession and thought I'd make a quick thread (>inb4 one is posted while typing this).

In the recent poll, we have three new professions to choose from, with banking being one of them. The description is as follows:

Banking: Become a savvy financier and engage in dynamic item quests. You'll take part in unique missions to collect and manage valuable items. Store your precious belongings in the vault - an isolated storage area to lock away items for safekeeping and collection tracking. As you level up banking, you can unlock even more vault space. How many items from around Loria can you accumulate?

To be clear, I am aware that we will be starting with vault space, which is good! However, a vault system designed around being intentionally limited and necessitating further expansions leaves a sour taste in my mouth. Being able to store items is a simple QOL feature, and I don't see any good reason to implement it like this. I don't really have much else to add, but I'd like to hear what everyone else thinks. Thank you.

Edited some grammar

10 months ago
The Helpful
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10 months ago
The Curious
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I'm having trouble understanding why Banking would need to be an entire profession and not just a feature. if people just want it for storage, what is there to level up? how would it even work? what motivations would you have to level banking without the promise of extra slots for storage? I'd personally rather just see it as a feature, and not an entire profession at that point


10 months ago
The Star
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I was under the impression that the vault is specific to the banking profession, more like a trophy cabinet for the treasures you find through the profession. but it's definitely not clear

I do agree that an item storage feature should be implemented as a QOL separate from professions!

10 months ago
The Restless
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I wanted to focus more on the vault expansions thing for this thread but TBH I'm also feeling this way. I'm a little interested to see what the "dynamic quests" could be, but to have all of that that directly tied to what should just be QOL features is... Very strange!


10 months ago

Oh god yeah, 100% support, especially if it's just gonna be another moonstone expansion thing. There is no reason to lock inventory space behind currency/anything, really.


10 months ago
The Curious
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I was also apprehensive about this line.

To me, banking seems to just be bounty-hunting but with any item rather than just ones you get from battles. It seems interesting, but the fact that parts of the vault is locked behind the level system just doesn't seem like any fun.

As for an alternative reward? I could see getting achievements for showing off certain quests being good, with levels increasing the difficulty and reward for item collection. It seems like a good opportunity to give out moonstone shards that aren't locked behind a daily limit.

10 months ago
The Legion
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Agreed with both the OP and what Divine said. I am also slightly worried about the quest type thing. Hunting as it is isn't balanced or fun/satisfactory to do, and I fear another such profession would not work well. I'd much rather see actually different professions such as alchemy, that give us a way to get rid of excess items.

10 months ago
The Lurking
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I'm in support with this, a bank/storage should be a basic function on any pet sim game, especially as we get more and more new items we will undoubtedly end up running out of space if there's not an infinite amount of unlockable space.
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10 months ago
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Yeah, this really bothered me when I first saw it… Especially considering all our current professions cost MS for upgrades.

The possibility of spending money, even optionally, for such a basic mechanic is incredibly concerning, but it wouldn’t be the first time.

10 months ago
The Tenacious
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It would definitely be insulting to the playerbase at this point if all of the distaste for the unannounced switch from pebbles to moonstones for profession expansions was ignored (more than it already has been) and was also tied into this system. Even "merely" leveling a profession up for more storage space sounds mind-numbingly boring if the end goal is just... getting protected storage space that should have been implemented as a site feature from the get-go.

If it's not that & is some kind of storage related to the profession itself... well, my initial point still stands.

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