10 months ago
Give a “Non Consumable” Necklace as part of Kapros Rewards

While I’m not going to be attempting to do the Kapros quest myself, one of the things that irked me after learning what the requirements for it were was that it was unlocked by an apparel item (this part’s fine), but the apparel item is consumed after encountering the kapros (this part isnt fine).

I understand that it’s the key for unlocking this event, but atleast rewarding a non-consumable version of the necklace upon completion could be nice considering it’s a pretty piece of apparel to boot. It feels like a shame to let it be just a key.

Plus, it would help eliminate the risk of someone consuming it on accident if they happen to not be aware of the event, even if that’s extremely unlikely.

Also you’d be able to have matchies with your Kapros so there’s no downsides

10 months ago
The Legion
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Support!! Having a non-consumable necklace that doesn't trigger the Kapros scenario would be a really neat addition. Aesthetics that do not affect gameplay

10 months ago
The Tired
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Support! Its name should be different, and it should be made very clear in the description that it's the spent version and will not trigger the kapros event. (Just in case you get people trying to list it in the FM for around the same price as the original version, in hopes someone mistakenly buys it, thinking that is the original.) Maybe also having the item image flipped would help it stand out a bit, as well.

★ Roux ★ Adult ★ LWT+1 ★ Ping @27 ★
10 months ago
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Changing the color of the gems could help.. maybe make them less glowy, to make it apparent the "magic" is gone. Should be easy if the artist has their files, just turning off a layer basically.

Flavor text "Once upon a time, the amulet was said to have powerful magical properties, but it doesn't anymore."

10 months ago
The Loving
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support! the apparel is so pretty, but i dont even wanna try getting it if i'll just lose it within a day-


"in my defense, i wasnt supposed to be around this long, so..." /lyr //please dont ping me!

10 months ago
The Helpful
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no support..

personally i like the function of having to trade it for a companion. for the most part, your wolves can happily wear it with no worries as long as they arent in your party or as long as you are campaigning in any of the other 15 areas besides the one with the kapros encounter if they ARE wearing it. plus the kapros encounter is pretty rare and many people generally only encounter it every 3-4+ hours of searching

after a certain point, the necklace is easy enough to make & its quickly becoming not worth selling due to the diminished value less than 2 months in (speaking from personal experience..

though, as i stated in EA, all 3 encounters that take items should have red text warning you/confirmation "are you sure you want to trade [items]?" to make it clear you are exchanging actual items

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