9 months ago
Separate the crafting recipes of apparel & mining items

It’s so difficult with both mining items and apparel items being in the same place to get a specific recipe you’re looking for.

it took me close to a week of checking the mole market to get one of my iron tools and I had to buy the other off the flea market.

Other items in higher tiers like silver picks/wheels don’t show up as much since a lot of the time those slots are taken up by silver apparel items (which is extremely frustrating)

I think there could be two/three slots open for each type (apparel/mining tools) of various rarities to make it easier to collect them and distribute them since the flea market doesn’t always have any available to buy recipe wise.

i had to turn to the discord and some very kind people willing to trade with me for wheels/picks I don’t have which i think could be fixed with just an easier method to get those items.

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