8 months ago
Color+Pattern Order on Wolf Info, FM, and Demo

Something i think would be useful for consistency and references is making the order of colors and patterns all match across the board and also follow layering order either top down or base up.

Current Configuration:

A wolf's info has colors/patterns listed in the order: Accent, Under, Top, Base

But the Flea market has them listed in the order: Base, Top, Under, Accent

And the Demo has them listed again in the order: Accent, Under, Top, Base

Making all of these things match would be very nice. So many times I follow a specific order or search something on the assumption it's in layering order on autopilot and then realize im wrong and have to refilter all the colors which is a big pain especially on mobile.

I feel like it would make sense for them to be in layer order too.

Like either from base up so: Base, Under, Top, Accent

Or from top down so: Accent, Top, Under, Base

It's more logical that way and it's how my brain wants to input things.


Like it would be really weird if Flight Rising has dragon bios listed Secondary, Tertiary, Primary and the Auction House as Tertiary, Primary, Secondary and the Scrying Shop as Secondary, Primary, Tertiary

It's just not logical. Everything is listed Primary, Secondary, Tertiary

I just think Lorwolf would benefit from making their colors/patterns follow that kind of logic and make it consistent across the board.

8 months ago

i've been meaning to make this exact post. having the slots in different random order in different places is actively driving me away from site features (such as the color search feature on the flea market). that's not so good!

also would appreciate if the slots were listed in layering order, because that's the most intuitive way to do it. good UI uses player intuition synergistically, rather than fighting against it.

8 months ago
The Pugilist
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Glad I'm not the only one bothered by this. I wish things were listed in a more logical order and consistently across the site. The Under being listed above Top really drives me nuts lol.

8 months ago

Support. Consistency and readability are always good.

8 months ago
The Fishy
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Support. This has been a problem for a while now. I don't particularly care what order they're in or which ones need to change, just as long as it's presented the same in every area of the site

8 months ago
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consistency please!

though, i do want to point out - the order in the profile is the order in which they are layered (so accent appears over under which appears over top which appears over base) and the FM is listed in the opposite direction (base which layers under top which layers under Under, which layers under accent) and the eyes are always in the first section. so i dont agree with adjusting the order - the order makes sense based on the way it gets layered on the wolf, but I WOULD like to support consistency across the site so I dont have to think about it lol


Ping me! @Fieryblood

8 months ago
The Merciless
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