Attention: Farming Festival has begun!
1 year ago
how do you get bread?

reading through the recipes and it turns out that there's a bread feast? but, I don't know how to get the ingredients. is there a recipe for bread?

1 year ago
The Feral
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You currently can buy bread from the cooking fest only/flea market/other users. Here's a guide that shows the rotation of the weekly events and shows when the cooking fest comes back around - Click!


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9 months ago
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I feel like I'm blind, I don't see bread at all from the Cooking Fest shop. Was it removed for some reason? Is it something we can now craft?

9 months ago
The Legion
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@/gloryfalling Bread has been removed from the festival shop, but it is now cookable: 1x egg, 1x flaxseed oil, 1x wheat for regular bread, 1x egg, 1x flaxseed oil, 1x blond wheat for rye bread, add butter or honey to make buttered bread or honeyed bread. Most cooking recipe guides list all potential combos

(Although I will say, in general it isn't worth cooking bread, because the amount of stamina the ingredients are worth is similar, and sometimes even more than the bread you cook. Plus it takes a lot of time to make em. So in terms of stamina, it is more efficient to just feed the ingredients to your wolves instead of cooking bread)

9 months ago
191 Achievements
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@/gloryfalling Bread has been removed from the festival shop, but it is now cookable: 1x egg, 1x flaxseed oil, 1x wheat for regular bread, 1x egg, 1x flaxseed oil, 1x blond wheat for rye bread, add butter or honey to make buttered bread or honeyed bread. Most cooking recipe guides list all potential combos

(Although I will say, in general it isn't worth cooking bread, because the amount of stamina the ingredients are worth is similar, and sometimes even more than the bread you cook. Plus it takes a lot of time to make em. So in terms of stamina, it is more efficient to just feed the ingredients to your wolves instead of cooking bread)
Thank you for the information regardless! I still will make it at least once because I wanna unlock the recipes but after that it's all meh. xD

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