8 months ago
Combat Icon In Flea Market

Good evening!

So I've been visiting the flea market to buy wolves with specific abilities to make hunting easier, but the wolf combat skills aren't listed anywhere in the FM, only in their profile page. Which means that every time I am hunting for a wolf to add to my party, i have to:

Click on "view" which opens a separate page > open the wolf profile > scroll down to see their combat icons > feel sad that the wolf doesn't have what i'm looking for > close the page > rinse and repeat.

It may not seem like it but this is very time consuming (especially on mobile, where everything is kinda far apart) and as someone whose hands/wrist are prone to hurting... well it hurts to look for wolves

Companions don't have this problem because i can click on their icon and their stats will appear, but not with the wolves

I made a really quick edit of how the combat icons could look like - next to the level of the wolf. (this is a real picture of real lorwolves being sold so i edited out the wolf name and the user!!)


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