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6 months ago
The Playful
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Should not release wolf wearing apparel or familiar

Right now the only way to safeguard against accidental release is by having a companion on cool down. I don't care if there is a pop up confirming the action, I'd like to ensure that I can't ever release a wolf without having to remove a companion and attached items. I have ADHD and I can see myself accidentally clicking this while renaming a wolf or naming a new WW I bought or traded for and being derpy like that. Also there's the fat fingers thing on mobile where you hit the wrong area on a screen because the icon is tiny. Please remove the ability to release wolves that have apparel and companions attached to them.

6 months ago
The Tired
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Personally, I don't mind whether this is changed or left as it is, as it currently saves me time that'd be spent removing companions from levelled fodder. But I agree that the release button is in a horrendous spot, and ideally it should be moved far from any other buttons.

★ Roux ★ Adult ★ LWT+1 ★ Ping @27 ★
6 months ago
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How about just apparel then? At least have apparel lock the wolves. Even simple linen wraps that can be crafted at low level or the mushroom bases you get for free occasionally in the MM should lock your wolves from being released. Maybe add a lock button. Something needs to be done. Some people pay hundreds of dollars in moonstones for collectible WW, or apply their limited Bracc scrolls to them, and not being able to keep them safe is unacceptable.

6 months ago
The Tired
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I'd totally be down for either apparel (since I'm pretty sure most others aren't dressing up their fodder wolves, either) or a lock button! And yeah, something does need to be done, as it can be a bit anxiety inducing, when you're renaming wolves. (Especially on mobile, which I use a lot, as well.) Even with there being a pop up, sometimes you're just on "autopilot" and you can easily mindlessly click to confirm the release.

★ Roux ★ Adult ★ LWT+1 ★ Ping @27 ★
6 months ago
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Support. Sometimes you can end up on autopilot on the wrong page (guilty of this, was very glad I was able to recover the dragon), sometimes missclicks happen (I'm glad I don't use mobile tbh), and I also used to have a chromebook that would click things higher up on the page if I scrolled down too fast, and I am certain I am not the only one who's dealt with that.

Sure yeah, companions on cooldown help, but there really should be more than that. Apparel as mentioned above would do quite nicely. There's lots of cheap and easy to make apparel that would do the trick.

Moving the button could help too, rn I always get nervous when I have to rename a wolf since those two icons are very close to each other.


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6 months ago

I say lock button no matter what. I don’t use appearals at all-

6 months ago
The Pugilist
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Support, I'm always stressed about accidentally releasing a wolf. Especially since its next to the name button

6 months ago
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100% support. I was shocked that neither apparel or a companion kept them safe, and I almost released a 4 digit in the process of playing with companions. My greatest fear here is accidently releasing my favorite wolf because of a misclick and I am told that I can't get them back, even though the companion cooldown is the only thing that keeps them safe.


6 months ago
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I agree with not changing the companion as right now it is faster.

100% agree with lock though and here's some ideas I have for a lock.

1. the lock can be applied to multiple wolves at once through the edit button (it can also be applied on a den by den basis to be even quicker.)

2. the lock can have multiple levels or multiple locks. (You can pick and choose which ones you want on the wolf.)

- lock from breeding

- lock from being listed to stud

- lock from being listed on the fm at all.

- lock from being given in a trade

3. if a wolf with a lock is sold on the flea market or through a trade all locks are automatically removed to make things faster for the new owner.

6 months ago
The Tenacious
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This would be a great change-- letting apparel lock a dog from being released would be nice, but both options-- that AND also having the ability to just lock an entire den and individual dogs from being released, would be ideal. I haven't accidentally released anything yet, but I know doing so has ruined the game entirely for a couple of acquaintances.

6 months ago
The Scout
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Support. I'd hate to accidentally release a wolf while bonding or some such thing


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