6 months ago
The Sage of Verdancy
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Lineage & Breeding - Show recent ancestor in the breeding screen

I spent 10-15 minutes going through Estal & Ebony's lineage trying to find how they're related, and I'm struggling to figure out how Estal & Shadow are related. It's quite hard to figure out how many generations removed they need to be when there's no direct notice to a common ancestor. This becomes even harder when there are multiple litters per wolf because there's more wolves to go through. This would be beneficial for pattern pairings and lore writing to note things like an estranged cousin. I figure this would be a simpler feature to add since the system already checks for the overlap- it'll just give a visual notice to the player as to where it found the overlap.

If this already exists in some capacity and I overlooked it, oops- I must've put too much effort into doing it the hard way. Though I'm still trying to find out where Estal & Shadow are related.

6 months ago
The Tenacious
¯\_ (ツ)_/¯
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This would be welcome, and a feature many other pet sites do in at least name and ID! :P

It may become less of an issue if we get to a place where less wolves are related in general, but no matter what, when it does crop up, it will be needlessly frustrating to have to go hunting down two sides of a family tree for five generations looking for the creature to blame.

(in the meantime, until such necessary UI improvements are made, the demo does allow you to input two dog IDs and will tell you whether or not they can breed... but this feature is poorly advertised, out of the way at the bottom of the demo, and doesn't allow you to check dogs that are currently the same sex, so you can't preview a dog that you might get for a project and swap with this tool anyway)

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