10 months ago
The Handcrafted
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Change Merle accent patterns slightly?
so I've been looking at Merle wolves in the market recently and I've noticed that in the accent, the markings are slightly,, off? In some breed/poses especially, where the front leg has a spot that overlaps with even Merle under (whereas the others have that particular spot ending above the under color), making many color combos look a bit...messy?

And also in female zerdas- where the accent doesn't really run parallel to the under on the snout no matter which gene you use, whereas I think every other wolf breed has it on the edge of where timber lies. Even male zerdas have sort of a 'dip' in the snout markings.

(I noticed it also 'cups' the undereye better and travels down to the snout differently in different breeds/poses, but on a second thought about it, the artists might have gone with the differing skull structures of the various breeds, which would make sense)

No offense to the artists at all btw- the designs are beautiful and I'm sure there might be reasons! I don't really know myself if this is a design choice or if it can be changed or if this is even something that other people also care about? really my own personal opinion here- just thought it might be easier on the more RNG-challenged wolves if odd colors weren't overlapping like that (esp on the lupins left leg squiggle with Merle under)

Feel free to tell me I'm wrong though! I'd appreciate more opinions on a suggestion like this, esp since I wasn't there for beta testing and because it's so likely to be just a personal preference.

thank you for your time. have a nice week!

10 months ago
The Handcrafted
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