LOLO runs from October 1 - October 31, 2023 Lorwolf time.
🎃 This game is user hosted, with permission. In general, asking someone for gifts is considered begging and against the ToS (See Code of Conduct 1. Violate the rights of others. This includes defamation, abuse, harassment, stalking, use of threats, begging/sob-stories/guilt-tripping, aggressive comments, trolling, or otherwise harmful content directed towards another user. Sharing any content that can be viewed as discriminatory against race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, etc. is not allowed. You may not brag with the intention to belittle or upset other users. While you may celebrate your achievements, you may not present them in a way that demeans other users.).
🎃 By participating in this game, you agree to abide by the rules and only send PMs to participating players who have their Lights On at the time of sending out your PM. By joining this game, you also agree to having people send you PMs while they Trick or Treat. If you decide you don't want to play anymore, you can PM me to remove you from the list. Once you are off the list, you are no longer allowed to Trick or Treat either.
🎃 Why is it called Lights On/Lights Off? 🎃
🎃 How to Join 🎃
🎃 To join, you need to put either Lights On or Lights Off in your profile where it is easily visible to other players.
🎃 You also MUST have a link back to this thread!
🎃 If a user ONLY has Lights On in their profile, it means they are only allowing users to trick or treat once at their den. If you want to allow people to come back for repeat visits, please put that in your profile along with the Lights On/Lights Off. Common allowances are once a week/twice total/once daily/once but you can come back again on Halloween, but it is up to you how many time you want to allow people to come to your den.
🎃 Sample Profile Coding 🎃
you are not required to use the EXACT coding below, as long as you have Lights Off/On and a link back to this thread, you will be approved to join
LOLO - a trick or treating game
you may trick or treat at my den: only once/once a week/3x total/other
My LOLO wishlist: (I would love to get art of my progens, raw food to cook, bones, or pebbles to expand my den. No wolves please, I am out of room!
<center><img src=""> OR <img src=""><br> <a href="">LOLO - a trick or treating game</a><br> you may trick or treat at my den: only once/once a week/3x total/other<br> <i>My LOLO wishlist: (I would love to get art of my progens, raw food to cook, bones, or pebbles to expand my den. No wolves please, I am out of room!</i></center>
(forms are generally approved within 24hrs, I will ping you in the thread to let you know you are approved and can begin trick or treating. You MUST be approved before you start PMing people to Trick or Treat)
🎃 Next you want to pick a wolf to be your trick or treater! It is encouraged to dress them up in some way if possible, like they have a costume on. Since because LW is still new with not a lot of free apparel available, this isnt a requirement! You are also welcome to draw your wolf in a costume if you'd like to).
🎃 You can also write a little story to go along with their trick or treat outing. It can be as long or short as you want if you decide to include one. Keep in mind, some users may hand out nicer treats based on creativity - a wolf with a costume & a story may receive a nicer treat than a plain wolf who just says "trick or treat?".
🎃 You can also put a wishlist ON YOUR PROFILE of the kind of treats you would like to receive if there are specific things you want; you can not send your wishlist via PM with your Trick or Treat message! Users are NOT required to gift you anything from your list of preferences, this just helps to let them know what you like since we don't have a wishlist function.
🎃 How to Play 🎃
🎃 Starting October 1, Lorwolf time, open profiles of users on the list to find someone with their lights on.
🎃 If a user has their lights on, send them a PM with an image of your wolf along with your story if you decided to write one. Finish up your PM with your wolf saying "trick or treat" in some way!
🎃 When you receives a PM, you should try to make sure to answer all of them. You are welcome to write a story to include with your trick or treat.
🎃 You are not required to send any gifts - you can leave your lights off or trick everyone, it is up to you. Some users use RNG to deliver tricks, some base it on their story.
🎃 If you decide to treat, it can be as simple as 1 item or a whole PM full of things, it's up to you! (keep in mind once you gift something away, it is that user's choice if they want to keep or sell it, so if you send someone a WW, they are free to release it, sell it, etc if they choose to)
🎃 When you receive a response, please be nice! ANY gift is better than no gift.
🎃 Tricks happen, however if you are consistently getting tricked, feel free to PM me to look at your wolf/story and I can let you know if I see a reason why you might be getting tricked or if you are just having bad luck.
🎃 You are alowed to discuss LOLO on this forum! You can post when you have your lights on, share your stories asnd treats, etc.
🎃 Do not complain because of the size of a treat someone gave you or because you didn't like it! It was a gift, they didnt HAVE to give you anything.
🎃 If you see any complaints/etc please message me and let me know! If a participant does not gift from their wishlist, participants are to adhere to the ToS. If you encounter an issue with begging/harassment, you should report it using the report user tools.
🎃 If someone sends you a Trick or Treat PM and they are not on the list, please message me!
🎃 Failure to follow the rules may mean you aren't welcome to participate anymore, this year or in the future!