Attention: Fishing Frenzy has begun! Learn more about these changes in the latest Patch Notes.
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Patch Notes 1.1.5: July 9, 2023

Listed below are the changes that have been made to the game over the past couple of weeks, read on to find out what has been updated:

  • Farming
    • Added new seeds:
      • Green Peanut Seeds
      • Blond Wheat Seeds
      • Twinkling Broccoli Seeds
      • Fiery Cashew Seeds
      • Rainbow Corn Seeds
      • Not Lettuce Seeds
      • Brown Rice Seeds
      • Black Walnut Seeds
      • Watermelon Seeds
      • Fairy Watermelon Seeds
      • Carrot Seeds
      • Purple Carrot Seeds
      • Pumpkin Seeds
      • Ghost Pumpkin Seeds
    • Added new crops: Pumpkin
  • Cooking
    • Fixed a bug that was causing Rush Order prices to skip increments
    • Added new recipes:
      • River Salmon Maki Recipe
      • Evergloom Salmon Maki Recipe
      • River Salmon Nigiri Recipe
      • Evergloom Salmon Nigiri Recipe
      • Bluefin Tuna Maki Recipe
      • Yellowfin Tuna Maki Recipe
      • Bluefin Tuna Nigiri Recipe
      • Yellowfin Tuna Nigiri Recipe
      • Cooked Tuna Recipe
      • Cooked Basidio Legs
      • Cooked Dotted Basidio Legs
  • Campaign
    • Fixed a bug that was causing scenarios to sometimes load incorrect scenario scripts
  • Custom Apparel
    • Added ability to sort the custom apparel shop by price, quantity, creation date, and restocked date
    • CA queue now operating at 7 - 10 business days.
    • Stray pixel threshold lowered. Only stray pixels outside of 2px of the item's outline are monitored.
    • Bleeding colored pixel threshold lowered. Bleeding pixels within 2 px of the item outline are no longer monitored. Exception: Bleeding outlines that surround more than 30% border of the item.
    • Stray pixel/Bleeding edits are allowed to be submitted via the CA Support Team after final submission.
    • Fixed a bug that was allowing users to list wolves that were wearing custom apparel in the Flea Market
  • Wolves
    • Updated Wolf Demo to include the new Puppy Predictor and Saved Designs sections
    • Enabled pattern and breed change items to be used on puppies
    • Fixed a bug that was causing party selection to display wolves that were listed for sale in the Flea Market or in a trade
  • Forums
    • Added text alignment to all rich text editors
    • Added ability to see old notifications
  • Miscellaneous
    • Introduced the Refer-A-Friend feature (accessible from the Account Settings page) and added new Companions:
      • Eclipsed Orthrus
      • Glintfire Orthrus
      • Rustfluff Orthrus
      • Starlume Orthrus
      • Wildtail Orthrus
    • Fixed a bug that was preventing comments from showing up in Forum Activity
    • Fixed a bug that prevented the Claim All notifications button from working if there were a large number of notifications
    • Fixed a bug that was showing incorrect weekly shop buy quantity options
1 year ago
Community Manager
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  • Saved Designs in the Puppy Predictor go to 10 pages before cycling out
  • Custom Apparel Shop default page changed to Recently Added

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Community Manager
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Thank you to all who created threads and commented in the Suggestion forums.

  • Players can now set another user as their referrer to backdate previous referrals. Users will receive both the 100 Moonwater and will be able to claim an Othrus companion upon the referred player reaching 50 levels with their companion. Players may find the option under Account Settings and click to set a User ID as their referrer.

    • Text for Old Notifications in Messages is now corrected.
    • Bug fixed: You can no longer refer yourself via the Refer-A-Friend set referrer feature.

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    1 year ago
    Community Manager
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